SaaS Marketing: A 6-Step Engineering Approach – with Martin Gontovnikas [188]
SaaS Marketing: A 6-Step Engineering Approach
Martin Gontovnikas is the VP of marketing and growth at Auth0. Auth0 is a platform that makes it easier for developers to implement authentication and authorization for web and mobile products.
Martin or Gonto' as he's more commonly known, started coding at the age of 12. He was a software engineer most of his career, but then a few years ago decided to move into a marketing role.
At Auth0 he developed a 6-step engineering approach to marketing. Using that framework, Auth0 has grown from $200,000 a year in revenue to an 8-figure business in less than 5 years.
In this episode, Gonto shares that 6-step engineering framework with me. We discuss each step in detail and walk through a real-life case study from Auth0.
It's a great interview with a ton of really useful insights. If you're looking for a more methodical way to do your marketing, then this episode is for you.