How a Failed Startup Helped Build an 8-Figure SaaS Business - with Adam Schoenfeld

How a Failed Startup Helped Build an 8-Figure SaaS Business – with Adam Schoenfeld [015]

How a Failed Startup Helped Build an 8-Figure SaaS Business

Adam Schoenfeld is the co-founder & CEO of Simply Measured, a leading social media analytics and measurement platform used by brands such as Samsung, Microsoft, American Express and Pepsi to name a few. Adam founded Simply Measured in 2010 along with his co-founders Aviel Ginzburg and Damon Cortesi. The company now has over 150 employees and to date has raised $29 million in venture capital funding.

Key Talking Points

  • How the failure of Adam's first startup (Cheddar Media) was crucial in helping to build Simply Measured into an 8-figure business.
  • What advice Adam has for aspiring entrepreneurs who are struggling to get to product/market fit with their own SaaS product.
  • How Adam and his co-founders effectively positioned Simply Measured in a crowded market of social media analytics solutions.
  • Why Adam and his co-founders launched their business before they even know what product they were going to build.
  • How the first iteration of Simply Measured was a super-simple piece of software that the co-founders built over a weekend.
  • What Simply Measured did to acquire customers paying $10/month and evolved that into customers paying $500/month and more.

Success Quote

  • “It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” – John Wooden
  • “If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.” – John Wooden

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