7 Proven Strategies for Launching an Online Marketplace – with Aaron Epstein [089]
7 Proven Strategies for Launching an Online Marketplace
Aaron Epstein is the co-founder of Creative Market, an online platform that lets you sell and buy handcrafted, mouse-made design content such as fonts and graphics. He launched his first software product called Color Schemer when he was still in college and went on to grow that into a 6-figures a year business. A few years later he met his co-founders and combined forces to work on an online creative community called COLOURlovers and eventually went through Y-Combinator. COLOURlovers grew into a community with over a million users. In 2012, they launched Creative Market and raised $2.3M dollars in funding, and 3 years later, sold Creative Market to Autodesk for an undisclosed amount.
In this episode, you're going to learn 7 proven strategies for building an online marketplace. It's basically what Creative Market did to launch their business. And even if you aren't planning to build a marketplace, you will still get a ton of value from this episode and take away some useful lessons that you could apply to just about any software product.
Success Quote
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” — Chinese Proverb